Parent Coaching

In Collaboration With Rachel Bailey

Personalized Support for Parents Raising Kids with ADHD and Learning Differences

At Illuminos, we understand that parenting can be as challenging as it is rewarding - especially when you’re raising a child with ADHD. We’re here to help you create a peaceful, supportive home where everyone thrives. That’s why we’ve partnered with Rachel Bailey, a compassionate Parenting Specialist, to offer personalized coaching that makes your life easier and your family stronger. We’re committed to providing practical, easy-to-implement strategies that build resilience, boost confidence, and bring your family closer together while effectively supporting your child with ADHD.

MEET Rachel Bailey

Rachel Bailey is a Parenting Specialist who has been serving families for over a decade. Besides being a mother of two, she also has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, a certification in Positive Discipline, and has provided services as an ADHD Coach, in-home mentor, and therapist. She has been featured in a variety of publications and podcasts and has been a speaker at hundreds of schools, community organizations, companies. Through her podcast, programs, and services Rachel teaches parents hands-on tools for raising responsible, resilient children... while reducing the stress and guilt in parents' lives.

Illuminos Parent Coaching - Rachel Bailey

Through her podcast, programs, and services, Rachel empowers parents with the tools they need to raise responsible, resilient children—while finding more peace and joy in their own lives.

What Parents Are Saying About Rachel Bailey

"Thank you, Rachel. You helped our family in so many ways, and I am so grateful! We learned so much about how to handle emotional outbursts, tantrums, and disagreements. The strategies we learned from you have been helping us better communicate with our son and diffuse situations before they become explosive!"

"Rachel’s coaching transformed our family life. Her strategies helped us handle emotional outbursts with calm and confidence."

What to Expect from Parent Coaching for ADHD

Rachel’s coaching sessions are designed to provide you with ongoing support and practical strategies tailored to your unique family dynamics, specifically addressing the challenges of raising a child with ADHD.

Parent Coaching Package

This comprehensive package includes an initial 60-minute session and up to five follow-up 30-minute sessions with Rachel Bailey. It’s designed to keep the momentum going and ensure you’re seeing real progress in your parenting journey.

Session Breakdown

Session 1: Goal Setting and Strategy Introduction

We’ll start by discussing what’s most important to you—your goals for fostering resilience, confidence, and stronger family connections. Rachel will share ADHD-specific strategies that are tailored just for you.
By the end of this session, you’ll have clear, actionable steps to start making positive changes right away.

Sessions 2-4: Goal Implementation and Progress Evaluation

As we move forward, we’ll talk about what’s working, what’s challenging, and introduce new tools to keep you on track. Each session builds on the last, ensuring you’re supported every step of the way.

Session 5: Goal Achievement and Future Planning

We’ll take a look at how far you’ve come, fine-tune your approach if needed, and make a plan to keep things going strong as you continue on your journey.

Ongoing Support

Throughout your coaching journey, Rachel is just a message away, ready to help with any ADHD-related parenting questions that come up. Although you'll be focusing on making progress in specific areas on your coaching journey, Rachel is able to questions about any area that affects you as a parent.

Special Offer

6 Sessions for $1050

Includes an initial 60-minute session and up to 5 follow-up 30-minute sessions with Rachel Bailey. This comprehensive package ensures sustained support and progress in your parenting journey.

Why Choose Parent Coaching at Illuminos?

  • Build Confidence as a Parent: Parenting a child with ADHD or learning differences isn’t easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. With Rachel by your side, you’ll learn how to handle tough moments with confidence, manage challenging behaviors, and create a calmer, happier home environment.

  • Perfect Complement to ADHD Executive Function Coaching: If your child is already receiving support from Illuminos with executive function coaching, parent coaching is a great addition. It helps you support your child’s academic and emotional growth, creating a holistic approach to your family’s well-being.

Get Started Today

Ready to make a change? Let’s work together to create a more peaceful and resilient family life. Schedule your free initial consultation with Rachel Bailey today, and take the first step toward a happier, more harmonious home.