Distance Learning Tips

Written by: Coach Coordinator Lindsey Holdaway

August has arrived!

The last of the summer months are usually filled with shopping for new wardrobes, and buying school supplies; however, August 2020 looks very different as students and parents alike prepare for more months filled with distance learning. If the last quarter of this past year was a nightmare for your family, it may be a good idea to try something new! We have put together some tips to ensure success and happiness for your child’s virtual learning experience. 

  1. Understand the distance learning plan. As a parent, it is good to know the schedule that is being followed each week for your student’s classes. It is also helpful to understand the online system your school is using for distance learning. If it is a platform you are unfamiliar with and don’t have access to right away, you may want to look for google information for it (youtube videos and instructional videos from the platform’s website).

  2. Provide your child with the necessary tools to be successful. Perhaps you have multiple children who will need to participate in distance learning at the same time.  Noise cancelling headphones may be just what they both need in order to work without distracting one another. 

  3. Establish a designated school space for your child. This is important to provide a change in their environment throughout the day. Since your child won’t be leaving the house, it is important that they don’t participate in their distance learning from the place that should be designated for sleep. An area in your home that is by a window and provides good natural lighting is ideal as it can aid with focus. 

  4. Ensure good nutrition and hydration. Maybe your child has stated that they would like to skip breakfast in order to sleep longer before logging into their classes. Having a nutritious meal before they begin their day as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help them remain focused.

  5. Keep tabs on your child’s mental status as well as their grades. Try to log in to the schools grading platform once a week to catch missed assignments before they begin to pile up. Also, asking your child the simple question of, “how did your day go?” can open up the lines of communication to allow them to express themselves and for you to understand any sort of attitudes they are expressing. 

Similar to the last quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year, there is no doubt that the beginning of this school year is going to be challenging. Please know that there are many businesses who want to help your child be successful both now as well as in the future, and Illuminos Academic Coaching & Tutoring is at the top of that list. 


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