Our Services

Give your child the strategies to succeed

We teach students how to learn & master Executive Function Skills

We provide in-home, one-on-one academic coaching and tutoring services for students starting in 3rd grade. We teach students Executive Functioning skills while supporting their homework and subject matter needs. Our flagship research based Executive Function (EF) curriculum can help your child succeed through our emphasis on emotional intelligence. We help empower students with Executive Functioning tools so they can be more responsible, invested, and rewarded for their own success.

Our 360-degree support includes monitoring school portals, reinforcing concepts taught in the classroom and working with everyone in your child’s circle of support. Our program facilitates a smooth transition between working in-school (virtually or in-person) and working at home. We provide structure, motivation, and accountability.

We complete the student’s “circle of support” by working with their families, teachers, school administrators, therapists, psychiatrists, and others, so each student can improve their academics, emotional well-being, independence, and social skills.

We teach students EF skills

Students, including those with learning differences such as ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and processing disorders will learn to: Organize, Plan & Prioritize, Take Essential Notes, Study Effectively, Communicate Clearly, and Self-Advocate

Why Choose Illuminos for your child?

Each student has unique needs - we understand that. Our onboarding process starts with an evaluation.  We use this time to really get to know you and your child so we can match you with the best-fitting coach.  Your experienced coach personalizes our curriculum, reports progress, and can collaborate with teachers and others in the child’s “circle of support.”

Students with learning differences

Executive Functioning skills are important for everyone, especially for students with learning differences such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Processing Challenges, etc. Creation of a homework schedule and a customized organizational system tailored to your child allows him or her to locate homework quickly and use allocated study time more productively. Additionally, learning to effectively communicate and manage impressions left on teachers, peers, counselors, and others are key for your child to succeed.

Why Illuminos is different



Research-Driven & Evidence Based

Our research-driven and evidence-based proven Executive Function program emphasizes emotional intelligence and empowers students with the Executive Functioning tools they need to become more responsible, invested, and independent learners.

We teach students, including those managing learning differences, Executive Functioning skills while supporting their subject matter needs. We integrate our proprietary program into your child’s everyday life. 

Your Child Will Learn How to Learn

Your child will learn How to Learn. They will build routines and habits to organize their work, plan and prioritize assignments and homework, take essential notes, study effectively, communicate clearly, and self-advocate.

We log in to all student and parent portals and track assignments, assessments, missing work, and grades. As part of our coach matching process, we consider the subjects with which your child may need assistance.

Homework Management

We Work with Your Child’s Team of Support

Additionally, we provide 360-degree support by working with families, teachers, school administrators, therapists, psychiatrists, and others in a child’s support circle.

Your Child is Unique

Each student has unique needs - we understand that. We meet with every new family and student for an hour or more for an extended interview to get to know you and your child. We learn about your child’s goals, personality, likes/dislikes, and more. We take great care to pair the right coach with each student and family. It is important each student and coach can relate to each other and build a relationship. Our goal is for your child’s coach to become a trusted confidant, advisor, and personal cheerleader.

Customized Curriculum for Each Student

Each coach customizes our research-based curriculum and the scope of our support for your child. Our coaches work with students in creative ways to help build new neural pathways, routines, and automaticity while supporting their subject matter needs. We also help students learn new ways of understanding, retaining, and retrieving subject matter. For example, if meeting in person, our coach and your child may take a walk and discuss history; turning it into a story and giving visual cues helps a child retrieve individual points in the story later while taking an exam. 

One-on-One Support

We work one-on-one with your child in your home or virtually that allows us to work as though we are sitting next to your student.

Consistency is Necessary

Your child will work with his or her coach at least twice a week. In-person sessions are a minimum of 1-hour; virtual sessions are a minimum of 15-minutes. The precise length of each session will vary depending on the needs and/or the demands of the time of year (e.g., midterms, tests, projects). 

We require regular and consistent meetings, at least at the onset of services. In order for students to replace old routines with new routines, consistency is essential. We prefer to meet with students on non-consecutive days and are available 7 days a week. We will work with your schedule in order to support your child. As a result of consistently meeting and building new skills, routines, and confidence progressively, academic work and grades (if grades are a concern) should also improve. 

Why choose Illuminos for your child?

Our expert coaches

Illuminos Coaches are best in class. All have degrees, experience working with students, certification in teaching our program and many have teaching certifications. Our coaches are selected based on their experience working with students, in particular those managing learning differences, as well as their executive functioning and communication skills, and finally, personality. They have been through a rigorous interview process, background screening, and training in our Executive Function curriculum.

Our coaches typically work with only 2 or 3 families so they are available for those families and students. This also helps to mitigate Covid-related cross exposure and allows plenty of time for coaches to prepare ahead of sessions for maximum productivity. Coaches take detailed notes on every session and provide a comprehensive summary every other week about how your child is doing with our EF curriculum, in school, ongoing opportunities for growth, and ways you can help support him or her at home.

Our team

You will have a team of individuals supporting your child. We are not a coach referral service. We read every session note and bi-weekly report. We continually coach our coaches and get to know our families and students very well. We provide a very personalized approach to supporting your child.

We have been in business since 2006, first in Texas and then in the DMV (DC Metro Area). Our support of families and students comes from a place of great passion and we are only interested in working with students as long as we are seeing progress. We are not interested in collecting money for something that isn’t helping your child and family. We are family-owned and we take great pride in offering a comprehensive service to support students who are smart and capable but may lack the skills necessary to be successful in school and life.

Executive Functioning skills are important for everyone, especially for students with learning differences (e.g., ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Processing Challenges). The creation of a homework schedule and a customized organizational system tailored for your child allows him or her to locate homework quickly and use allocated study time more productively.

Additionally, learning to effectively communicate and manage impressions left on teachers, peers, counselors, and others are key for your child to succeed.

Support for students with learning differences

Our program is designed to be completed within 9-12 months, depending on the needs of the child. Since we work one-on-one, we tailor our program and the pace at which we present new concepts specifically for each student. For instance, if your student is already highly organized, we will offer a few tips and tricks, but focus on the areas needing the most attention. 

We are thrilled when students graduate from our program! Many parents choose to continue with coaching sessions past graduation with less frequency after witnessing the improvement in their child’s executive functioning skills, self-confidence, academic performance, and self-advocacy. In addition, many parents find that our services remove them from acting as homework police, allowing them to just be parents!

Program duration

No upfront commitment

We do not require an up-front commitment of hours so you may start and cancel at any time. We believe in helping your family and child. If for any reason changes are needed, our team will work with you to find the right solution.

We do ask that parents understand that breaking old habits and solidifying new, more efficient, and effective ones, does take time. Keeping in mind that our goal is to create new routines and habits that become engrained and automatic for each student, we require students to meet with their coach a minimum of 2-hours per week, preferably spread out over at least two days each week. We also provide 15 or 30 minute check-in sessions as needed.

Timing & pricing

We work hard to match coaches and start sessions within 1 week of completing our evaluation. At busier times of the year, we may have a waitlist. We match students in the order enrollment paperwork is completed and as we have the right coach match for each child.

We bill by the hour and quarter-hour. We only accept credit card payments.

Our one-time Onboarding Fee includes a 60-90 minute extended interview with both parents and each student, reviewing and processing all onboarding paperwork, and matching the right coach with your child. Once enrolled, we bill by the hour. In-person sessions are billed a $165 per hour and each session is a minimum of one hour. Virtual sessions are billed at $145 per hour with a 15-minute minimum.

Service areas

We currently offer in-home and/or virtual services throughout the DC Metro Area. We also offer virtual services throughout the United States. We come to you.

We require this assessment to identify each student’s individual learning requirements and strengths. The assessment measures essential cognitive functions including reasoning, executive functions, memory and speed. The assessment provides a guide to how a student learns best so they are given the right recommendations to improve their academic performance. For more information, visit our Assessment page.

Learning assessment


We can help. Contact us today!

We help smart students become great students

Academic Achievement requires more than just aptitude, it requires each student to manage themselves, plan, focus, remember instructions, control impulses, and juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. In order to be successful at all of these requires a mastery of Executive Functioning (EF) skills – skills crucial for learning and performing well in school and everyday life.

Students lacking these fundamental skills may have lower grades, lack self-confidence, have low self-esteem, procrastinate, and feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and anxious.

  • Organize

  • Plan and Prioritize

  • Take Essential Notes

  • Study Effectively

  • Communicate for Self-Advocacy