Learning Differences Awareness Month

Written by: Tatum Bloch

October was Learning Differences (LD) Awareness Month, and as a business that works primarily with students with learning differences, this holds near to our core values, and we are honored to bring awareness this month. This is a special time to be aware of the challenges children and adults with learning differences face every day. In addition, it is a special time to provide various tools, strategies, and initiatives for educators to cultivate a safe environment for different types of learners in the classroom. 

The National Center for Learning Disabilities states that 1 in 5 American students have learning or attention issues, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Whether you or someone you know is affected by a learning difference, it is important to be aware of the barriers and challenges these students and adults face every day. 

We hope to continue to highlight the strengths of all children and adults with learning differences and encourage parents of children with learning differences to continue to nurture and celebrate the accomplishments of these children every day. 

Let’s talk about the different ways we can highlight students with learning differences this month all while bringing awareness to them! 

Get Involved This Month  

There are a variety of ways that you can get involved this month to spread awareness and shine a spotlight on learning and attention disorders. Getting involved with your child’s school or community is a great way to spread awareness. Be sure to have an open line of communication with your child's teacher as well as the school to ensure that your child is receiving the proper accommodations and support that they need. 

Taking action within your community and spreading awareness will help to create a safe space for children who may feel on the outskirts, loved, and accepted. There are many ways that you can get involved such as going to events in your area that support students with learning differences or volunteering at your child's school.  

Focus on Effort, Not Results 

This month it is especially important to remember that children with learning differences may not always receive the highest grade or score the highest score on a test. Focusing on the effort that these students put into their work and not the results is especially important to improving their confidence and giving them the strength they need to grow. 

The key to success is not always all A’s on the report card, but the effort that they put into that project, or the skills and knowledge obtained from the assignment. Focusing on the effort, and not the results is a growth mindset. Focusing on results can lead to comparison of self to others rather than implementing self-evaluation

Continue to Support the Children's Intellectual Curiosity

Continuing to support children with learning differences, a love of learning, and curiosity about new material is essential to giving them the support that they need. Encourage them to ask questions, dig deeper into subjects that interest them, and explore different elements of learning to expand their knowledge. 

What Can You Do? 

Taking action together as a community will bring us all one step closer to bringing more awareness to learning differences and breaking those negative stigmas. During Learning Differences Awareness Month, we invite you to be more aware of your surroundings, word choice, and how you interact with those who may be different from you. As a community, we can make a change together. Illuminos is here to support students and parents with all different types of learning differences. 

Final Thoughts

Illuminos is dedicated to teaching students with all different types of learning capabilities to thrive the best that they can. Whether you are affected directly or indirectly by a learning difference, be sure to be aware of the community around you. Learning differences are not a barrier to education and this month is all about increasing awareness of the need for learning access for all. Be sure to check out the outstanding services Illuminos offers to give your student the extra push they need to excel in school.