Beating Procrastination

Why do we make things more complicated than they need to be? At some point, each of us will avoid doing something that needs to get done. We'll ignore it or find a distraction — anything to avoid the actual task at hand. Adults and adolescents share the procrastination habit. It's not confined to our teenage years, unfortunately. Thus, it pays to have a plan of attack when procrastination hits. This blog post aims to do just that.

Recognizing the Storm on the Horizon

Procrastination, a common issue among students, often follows discernible patterns. Some students postpone tasks when they feel overwhelmed by their workload, while others procrastinate when confronted with assignments they perceive as too challenging or uninteresting. Likewise, organizational and time management deficiencies can lead students to delay assignments until the eleventh hour. Regardless of the trigger, developing self-awareness is vital for students to steer clear of procrastination’s pitfalls.

At Illuminos, we firmly believe in using structured systems to empower students to identify and address the underlying causes of procrastination. Our goal is to equip students with the tools and self-awareness needed to work more efficiently and effectively. Students can develop strategies to stay on track and achieve their academic goals by understanding the predictable patterns of procrastination. In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into these systems, exploring how they can help students overcome procrastination and excel in their studies.

Executive Function Systems to Combat Procrastination

We help students systematize success by addressing the most persistent academic challenges, including procrastination. To combat this common issue effectively, we follow a structured approach that focuses on identifying students' strengths and leveraging the four critical pillars of Executive Function (EF): organization, time management, learning skills, and impression management. By understanding what works best for each student, we aim to impart valuable habits that lead to academic success. Here are three tactics designed to combat procrastination:

Tactic #1: Utilize a Binder to Reduce Opportunities to Procrastinate 

Every student needs one essential anti-procrastination tool in their academic arsenal: a well-organized binder. While binders are often recognized for their ability to eliminate late grades and missing assignments, they also play a significant role in combating procrastination. How? By minimizing opportunities for disorganization and distraction.

Searching for misplaced materials or assignments can be a significant obstacle to starting the work. Consider a scenario where a student spends valuable minutes rummaging through their cluttered backpack to locate a math worksheet or struggles to find where they saved their English paper on their computer. These moments of disarray are breeding grounds for procrastination. Binders and well-organized electronic systems eliminate these unnecessary obstacles by ensuring that students have everything they need at their fingertips when it's time to work.

It's important to understand that procrastination is often rooted in a hesitation to start, not an inability to finish. Yes, procrastination has a motivation element. But we can reduce the importance of motivation by removing obstacles that prevent students from starting their work. Effective organization alleviates the barriers preventing students from initiating their tasks. By having all necessary materials neatly arranged and readily accessible, students are more inclined to dive into their work promptly, reducing the temptation to procrastinate.

Tactic #2: Overcoming Distractions by Eliminating Them

In today's digital age, notifications pose a significant challenge to students striving to stay on task. Social media notifications, smartphone alerts, and the allure of endless internet browsing can easily sidetrack even the most well-intentioned students. To address this, we provide strategies for recognizing and overcoming distractions, thus helping students maintain their focus and productivity.

Outside of technological distractions, a cluttered or disorganized study space is a prime enabler of procrastination. To combat this, we encourage students to create a study environment that fosters concentration. The goal is to have everything a student needs within arm's reach when it's time to work. By eliminating physical and digital distractions from their workspace, students can effectively reduce the temptation to procrastinate. Our approach emphasizes the importance of crafting a dedicated study area that is free from unnecessary diversions, making it easier for students to stay on track and maintain their concentration.

Tactic #3: Effective Time Management Makes the Task Clear and Manageable 

Effective time management lies at the heart of procrastination prevention. Many students procrastinate because they feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work before them. This is where time management skills come into play. We teach students to break down their tasks into manageable chunks and establish a realistic schedule that encourages steady progress.

An essential aspect of time management is the art of prioritization. Not all tasks are created equal; some carry greater weight than others. We help students identify their most important tasks and allocate their time and energy accordingly. This approach not only serves as a deterrent to procrastination but also ensures that students are directing their efforts toward what truly matters in their academic journey.

Accountability and Support: The Keys to Consistency

Combating procrastination involves a comprehensive approach that encompasses organization, distraction management, and effective time management. By implementing these three tactics, students can significantly reduce procrastination's grip on their academic performance and cultivate habits that lead to sustained success. 

Once we've identified these success strategies, the next step is to provide students with the accountability and support they need to stay on track. Accountability is crucial in maintaining consistency in your approach to tasks and assignments. Our academic coaches act as guides, helping students stick to their plans and overcome obstacles.

Procrastination is a common challenge for students, but it's not an insurmountable one. By developing self-awareness, implementing effective time management strategies, learning to prioritize, and building resilience, students can overcome procrastination and achieve their academic goals. At Illuminos, we're here to provide the guidance and support needed to turn procrastination into productivity, helping students unlock their full potential.

We’re here to help! Our one-on-one academic coaching program connects your student with a procrastination pro. We help students develop Executive Function systems that prevent procrastination and maximize success. Contact us to learn more today.