Why Establishing Routines is Important to Success

Establishing Routines: The Key to Student Success

It’s that time of year again. School is back in session, and teachers and students alike are re-adjusting to their normal schedules. Even for students who attend camp or other summer programs, acclimating to a new school year can be a challenge. Moving from the relatively free and easy routine of vacation back to reality doesn’t have to be traumatic, though. It may be difficult to adapt to a new schedule at first, but things can be made significantly easier by having an established routine at home and in school.

Not only is having a consistent routine helpful when adjusting at the beginning of a new semester, but it’s also an important part of developing a healthy balance for the whole year. Establishing and maintaining good routines is the first step in developing healthy, productive habits.

Why Routine Matters

Research has repeatedly found that family routines are associated with overall health, academic achievement, and a healthy sense of identity.

Consistency in everyday activities such as meals and bedtime accustoms students to positive habits, such as maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, regular nutrition, healthy play/outdoor time, and calm behavior during slower times of the day. Developing good habits like these is an important part of fostering executive functioning and self-regulation skills.

To be successful as they grow older, students must learn how to function independently. By having consistent, familiar routines introduced early, children learn how a productive day is structured. Kids accustomed to routines are more likely to feel confident managing their daily activities, giving them a sense of empowerment and reducing the likelihood of rebellion. From elementary school to college, students can take pride in knowing what they need to do and being able to do it independently.

Regular routines also help children cope with inevitable changes and stresses in life. Big changes, such as changing school systems, a new sibling, or even divorce, can upset a child’s sense of security. An established routine provides a sense of normalcy and stability, helping them navigate these changes more effectively.

Getting Started

It’s never too early to start establishing routines. Studies have shown that even during infancy, the benefits of predictability are significant. As children enter school, they are already exposed to routines, which are the backbone of the modern education system. Incorporating mealtimes, homework, bathing, and family time into a normal routine helps them become part of the daily structure.

Establishing Routines

While opinions vary on how daily routines should be structured, here are a few simple tips to help you get started at home:

  • Morning Routines: Start the day with a consistent morning routine to set a positive tone. This can include waking up at the same time, having a healthy breakfast, and preparing for the day ahead. Simple tasks like making the bed, brushing teeth, and packing school bags can instill a sense of responsibility and readiness.

  • Mealtimes: Planning at least one meal for everyone in the house to share is a great starting point. This meal doesn’t necessarily have to be dinner. Having a regular 15-minute breakfast together each day can have significant results. This also gives parents a chance to introduce children to simple responsibilities, like carrying silverware to the table or putting plates in the sink afterward.

  • Bedtime Rituals: Establishing bedtime rituals helps children learn how to slow down and associate certain activities with sleep. Depending on what works for your family, activities like taking a bath, reading a story, or listening to soft music can be part of this routine. Reinforce these rituals from a young age by asking questions like, “What do we do after we put on our pajamas?”

Ultimately, having a predictable structure is extremely helpful for students of all ages. However, it’s important to maintain flexibility. While routines are crucial, it’s even more important to avoid adhering to a schedule too rigidly or allowing changes to throw your kids (or you) off balance when they inevitably happen. If most parts of a child’s day are predictable, they will be able to handle small discrepancies more easily, especially if they have a good example set by the adults in their lives.

By fostering routines, we can help students build the skills they need for lifelong success.


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