How to Raise a Happy Child

All parents want their kids to be happy and healthy but  sometimes we don't know how to make them happy or build self confidence. We are not perfect and need some guidance along the way. See below for 16 tips on how to raise happy children. 

1. Acknowledge that everything you know is wrong. 

Everything science tells us to do to make our kids happy we are not doing. Admit this to your children. 

2. Stop giving them everything.

Kids are much happier when they give to others rather than receiving, Giving back also allows them to see the happiness they contributed to someone else's life.

3. Let them do it for themselves. 

At a young age, we need to let our children learn how to do things on their own. It will help them grow independence. When they grow older it shouldn’t be about control it should be about mentoring and guiding them. 

4. Unschedule a little. 

If your child's schedule is jammed pack every day, take a look at what can be dropped so they have time to go outside and be with their friends. 

5. Hit your own pause button. 

Your stress level can have an impact on your children. If you are carpooling kids all day long from activity to activity take a look at what you can cut out to maintain your happiness. 

6. Make time for others. 

Make sure your child has real life encounters with others to promote social skills. 

7. Collaboration on the rules. 

Instead of giving a child a rule, ask them to contribute to it. If you have a teenager and you want their curfew to be 10 and they ask for 11, meet halfway and change it to 10:30. A little bit of compromise goes a long way with children being able to make their own responsible decisions. 

8. Find the “just right” solution for each child. 

Every child and their needs are different. Something that may have worked for one of your children may not work for the other. Find what works for each child. 

9. Quality time is key.

Quality time and unconditional love are key components of a happy child. Use bedtime as a way to connect without other people around. Read a book together or talk about their day. This makes them feel special and important. 

10. Get outside. 

Kids who may have attention struggles or have a lot of energy, take them outside and get on their level. Playing and engaging with them connects you in a different way. 

11.  Play to their strengths. 

Zoning in on a specific strength for a child is great for their self confidence. Praising them for their efforts in a positive way will become an internal voice for them. 

12. Don't forget the basic needs. 

Many kids are involved in so many after school activities and are shuffled around from activity to activity. Remembering that a well balanced meal and a good night's sleep can go a long way. 

13. Check yourself. 

The way you carry yourself affects your children. If you are anxious, your kids can pick up on those emotions and will begin to echo your tone of voice. Being able to control your moods and engage in self regulation is an important responsibility as a parent. 

14. Rethink Consequences 

Sometimes rather than implementing consequences, it is important to realize that this is an opportunity to teach and allow your child to grow. Let them tell you about their emotions because they could be struggling with how to deal with them. In addition, maybe giving them an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions can be a great teaching moment. 

15. Focus on your relationship. 

Developing a relationship with your child is key to their happiness. Being able to connect with them is crucial in their happiness and development. 

16. Just ask...them

You would be surprised about how honest kids are. If you want to know what makes them happy…..ask.


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