Curiosity Guest User Curiosity Guest User

How to Encourage Curiosity

Written by: Isabelle Saunders

Through all of history, one crucial characteristic has pushed humanity to wonder, try, and discover. Curiosity is what fuels a student’s enthusiasm to learn and grow, and a mind sparked with curiosity will always consume information more actively and receptively than one without. 

Why is curiosity important? 

Joylessly taking in information that doesn’t interest you will never be as effective as really wanting to learn. Therefore, it’s essential that children both retain their innate curiosity and have it instilled in them by educators and parents. Subjects students are fascinated with are far more likely to stick with them, and curiosity ensures that you guide a child through learning rather than dragging them.

Kindling curiosity in a child 


  • Always be open to and encourage questions. This is important. Questions are a manifestation of curiosity! 

  • Include student involvement in lessons. Challenge yourself not to speak at your students through your whole class. Get them involved so that they’re able to be active in their education and pursuit of knowledge. A good idea is open discussion, or a harkness discussion- act as a mediator, asking only leading topical questions, and let the students address one another instead of you. 

  • When teaching a subject, try to focus on “why?” Not just how things work, but why they work that way. 

  • It doesn’t all have to be strictly factual. While solid facts are integral to most subjects, a great way to make your students listen more actively is to make these subjects personal. Ask them how they’d feel in a historical figure’s shoes, or what feelings a piece of art or music instills in them. When you create a connection between the students and the subject, you unlock a whole new level of understanding. This is a perfect way to harness curiosity and channel it into their grasp of the topic at hand. 


  • Let your own enthusiasm show. This also applies to teachers- your joy of learning will reflect in your child and make it easier for them to get excited, too. 

  • Just like teachers, reward and encourage the asking of questions. Answer those innocent, workings of the world questions to the best of your ability. 

  • You can get in on the questions too. Ask them their opinions on things, or hypothetical imaginary questions. This is something younger kids especially love, but children of all ages enjoy talking about things such as, “if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?” Creativity goes hand-in-hand with curiosity, and these types of thought experiments will encourage them to speak out on their thoughts and interests. 

  • Encourage your child to read! If they’re unable to read, you can always read to/with them. This is so important for building and indulging curiosity. It will prompt questions and discussions, and stimulate their imagination. If, due to Covid-19 restrictions, you are unable to access a library, try a digital one. 

  • Follow their interests. From a young age, most children show fascination with certain things, like art or animals. Encourage them to talk and ask about these things. Take the kid who loves pretty rocks out to any rocky patch to look for them. Cater to what they’re curious about. 

Curiosity is a beautiful and inquisitive force inherent not only to humans, but all living things. It’s of utmost importance that it’s not crushed early in a child, and that they walk through life with their eyes open and wondering.  

“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt 

For more information, check out the sites below!

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Parent-Teacher Communication

Written by: Isabelle Saunders

During the school week, a child will spend an equal amount of their day at school and at home. This leads, in many ways, to a dual tutelage of the child, a partnership of upbringing between teachers and parents. How important, then, is proper cooperation between these key figures in a child’s life? 

Teachers and parents each have their own domain: consecutively, school and home/outside of school. It is essential to a flourishing academic life that the gap between the two domains is bridged in a healthy and productive way. During this season of long-distance learning, this bridge is more important than ever before. 

This begs the question: how? 

How parents can reach out 

While parents may find themselves scratching their heads when asked by their child for help with homework, they’re still able to play an active role in their education. 

  • Schedule a parent-teacher conference for a proactive method of head-on conversation. Ask teachers how you can get involved, be it helping your child get more sleep to improve attentiveness or quizzing them before tests. If a student is struggling, they are also encouraged to attend to provide personal input and talk through what would work best for them. 

  • Talk to your child. Ask them what would edify them, taking into consideration their unique method of learning and working. Their points will give you a foundation on which to build your discussion with their teacher.

  • Help your child’s teacher set goals for them. It’s helpful for a student to have something concrete and attainable that they can work towards. 

  • Engage multiple teachers. For students who have a different teacher for each subject, it’s a good idea to have them discuss how best to instruct your child. Say, for example, your child loves art class, but is less enthusiastic about math. Those two teachers will likely see different behavior and levels of engagement from your child, and the math teacher could discuss with the art teacher which techniques to use to best assist your child. Teachers learn from each other, just like parents. 

    How teachers can reach out

  • Don’t be afraid to contact a parent just for the sake of good news. Any parent loves to hear that their child is an asset to class discussions, or really gave it their all on a recent project. Sharing a student’s progress with their parents is an easy way to boost their confidence. 

  • Regular feedback: when trying to help a student through a difficult patch in their studies, it’s crucial to update their parents. Tell them how they can meet their child where they are, and how they can help at home. 

  • Talk to school administrators about hosting school events. Fun, easygoing activities at school can help foster positive relationships between staff and guardians. To adhere to social distancing rules, try hosting events over video conferencing or in the form of a drive-in. 

  • Utilize multiple methods of contact. Communication isn’t a glove perfectly shaped to fit one way. Apart from face-to-face meetings, consider practices such as handwritten notes, emails, and phone calls. 

  • Ask about a child’s personal interests. If you’re a math teacher who can’t seem to get through to a child, and their parents say they’re artistic, consider using visual or artistic teaching methods with that child as a form of personalization. A tailor-made education will always be more helpful than a “one size fits all” education. 


No child wants to see school as a tempest they have to weather, struggling to keep their head above the water. Especially in the wake of distance learning, many students feel that they’re in danger of being plowed over due to the subsequent lack of direct contact and all it entails. By exercising the strategies detailed above, educators and parents can work together to help students feel more engaged in their own academic life. In the end, the student doesn’t just memorize a bare concept of subjects they’ll forget after a test; they can fully grasp and understand the subject, further growing a well-rounded and truly useful education. 

For more information on parent-teacher relationships, check out the links below:

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Executive Function Guest User Executive Function Guest User

Creating a Productive Study Space

Written by: Coach Alison Lake

The perfect work space for homework and studying is not one-size-fits-all. Everyone works differently, but having an organized space is a universal way to ensure productivity and good use of time.

Choose Your Space

When identifying the best study space for you, keep in mind comfort, lighting, household activity, available furniture, temperature, etc. Ideally, the most productive work space is free of distractions and not in a high-traffic area in the home. If it's in the student's bedroom, work should be done on a desk or table, not on the bed. The most efficient and effective setup is separate from other activities that might be going on in the house, and has enough space for all the items you need.

Remove Clutter

Within the study space and, if possible, within eyesight, remove any items that aren't needed for assignments. Visually, a simple setup makes it easier to focus on the task at hand and not become distracted. It might not be possible to remove all unrelated items from the line of vision, but if the workspace only has the items you need, staying organized will become second-nature. Keep the area clean and dispose of any trash daily. An organized, pleasing area helps keep the brain uncluttered as well. 

Keep Materials Close By

It's important to keep all necessary materials very handy so they can be easily grabbed from an arm's length. These may include a planner, binders, folders, pens and pencils, calculator, notebook paper, laptop, timer, and any other items needed to study and complete homework on that day. Having to hunt around for items each day can be disruptive and time-consuming. Studying will be much more efficient if everything you need is close by. 

Ensure Comfort

The most productive study space should be ergonomically sound, with a comfortable, supportive chair, and a table or desk that's at the right height for the student. While a bed is comfortable, it's not supportive enough for study and encourages bad posture and distraction. 

Also consider neck position at the desk or table. Hunching over a laptop or book for long periods can lead to neck and shoulder pain. Prop up a monitor or laptop on a couple books if you have a separate keyboard or don't need to type when watching a video, for example. And consider using a textbook stand so the book is positioned directly in the line of sight.

Adjust the room lighting so it's bright enough to protect your eyes but not so bright that it causes a headache, and draw the blinds if needed to keep out direct sunlight. 

Reduce Distractions

It may be impossible to remove all distractions, but try to set up a permanent workspace that's not right in the middle of nightly dinner, sibling playtime, or the TV area. Try to avoid places in the house where family members and pets will be walking by frequently. Keep smartphones and other smart devices out of eyesight or turn off unnecessary notifications. Wear noise-canceling headphones if needed. 

Make Adjustments

Above all, don't hesitate to make slight changes to the study environment if something isn't working quite right. Move somewhere else, rearrange belongings, or try a different chair to find the right setup for you. 

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Executive Function Guest User Executive Function Guest User

It's OK to Allow Room for Failure 

Written by: Coach Alison Lake

As parents, we don't want to see our children struggle or fail in school. We do our best to protect them and provide all the support we can. It's a natural instinct to step in and help. Many of us sat up late helping with a last-minute term paper emergency because our child didn't start early enough or felt stuck. 

But this approach can prevent growth. There's a fine line between providing parental guidance, which children truly need while growing up, and overprotective parenting. It's important for children to work independently, learn from their mistakes, and experience any consequences. These are important skills they will use in school and later in life.

What does this mean academically?

Long-Term Projects

Let's take long-term, multi-step assignments--the research project, the term paper, the science fair. It can be daunting to start a complicated task and see it through to the end. Students often don't know where to start, or feel overwhelmed by the magnitude. It might be tempting to dive in and work on the project together. 

Put in some time at the beginning to map out a plan. Encourage your child to break the project down into steps well ahead of time and estimate how much time each portion will take. They could work on the project 20 minutes every day, for example. They should use a checklist and mark the steps in their daily planner, then review their progress on each step. That way, they are taking responsibility and ownership rather than depending on you to get it done.

Identify the Problem Source

Parents can help by asking questions to uncover the source of the problem. Ask where they feel stuck, if any portion of the assignment is confusing, and how much time they have been spending on it each day. Review their system of organization and how they are keeping track of assignments and items. Daily planner use and a binder divided into subjects and sub-tasks will help them easily see what they need to do that day and what's coming up.

Encourage Reflection

Let's say a student stayed up late working on a paper they left to the last minute. Or they forgot their homework binder one yet again and Mom or Dad didn't bail them out by driving to school to pick it up. Or they didn't listen in class when the teacher shared important details about an upcoming test, and did poorly on that portion of the test. 

That's a good time to gently encourage reflection and ask your child what they learned from the experience. How did being late and disorganized make them feel? How was their motivation level? Did other things take priority? How would success look in this circumstance, and what steps would they need to take to get there next time?

Answers to these questions will provide information about where they fell short and help guide your child to a better approach going forward.

Of course, your child doesn't need to struggle alone if there is a chronic problem, such as consistently bad grades or lack of motivation. That is a good time to consider supplemental options such as an executive coach, subject-area tutoring, after-school help, or additional resources. 

No one wants to see a child fail. But when they experience failure from time to time and learn from it, they will build a foundation of coping and project management skills that will help them succeed in the future. Children will become more resilient, and free to experiment and explore different ways of achieving their goals.

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Executive Function Guest User Executive Function Guest User

Student Networking Tips 

Written by: Coach Alison Lake

It’s never too early for students to start networking, even at a young age. 

Networking is a natural offshoot of impression management. For young people, it's about showing curiosity, asking questions, gathering information, demonstrating care for others, and forming productive relationships.

Students who seek out more face time with teachers, coaches, and other leaders and show interest in classes and activities are more likely to succeed in school and be considered for opportunities. Networking also extends to connections outside of the school campus--in the community, the neighborhood, and even family gatherings.

Building those relationships over time can lead to a more positive overall impression of the student. This comes in handy when it's time for college recommendations, for example. But the more meaningful benefit is that the student is enriched by these interactions and projects a lasting impression of being a good citizen and member of the community. And it's good preparation for life beyond middle and secondary school.

As students become more active in extracurriculars and move to a schedule of multiple teachers, they interact with a greater number of school leaders. And as they mature, they are also thinking more about what's next--the next grade, summer jobs, college applications. Networking and careful impression management will help them gather support and build a solid foundation for success.

Adopt a Sincere Attitude

It's important for students to avoid creating the impression of seeking brownie points or special preference over other students. Instead, they should earnestly approach each personal interaction as an opportunity to learn more, and apply what they learn in those conversations to their studies, course choices, and academic, professional, and personal plans. 

If these conversations don't come naturally, particularly for introverts, students can jot down a short list of questions they want to ask when they know a meeting is coming up. Sometimes, all it takes to start is a simple question: How did you get into teaching? What do you like best about working with young people? What advice would you give someone of my age? What do you wish you knew back then? How can I improve?

In fact, coming prepared with a list of questions is a good idea in any situation, because this shows preparation, thought, and consideration for the other person's time.


Teachers really appreciate when students show interest in their work and expertise. After-school help can lead to conversations about real-world applications of the material, potential career paths, and different ways of thinking about challenging concepts. It's also a chance to engage someone smart outside of their classroom routine, and learn something new from them. 

Teachers know their students well, and are used to working with a variety of different personalities and skill levels. They might share a unique suggestion that will work well for that student. And they often recognize students who appear willing to improve and learn and put in extra time. 


Sports is an ideal environment for building leadership skills and learning to navigate different challenges. And students can learn things from their coaches that they might not get in the classroom. 

While it might not always be easy to get one-on-one time with a coach, players can maximize the time they have before, during, and after practice to ask for advice, ideas, and recommendations. 

Conversations can be about the sport, about setting and achieving goals, about creating a disciplined plan for practice. Even if a student doesn't want to go on to become a professional athlete, lessons learned from coaches are invaluable in all areas of life. 

Older Students

Graduates and students in the next grade or two can answer questions about difficult course material, share their academic experience and impressions of teachers, and provide a glimpse of college or the working world. 

These interactions might be more comfortable for students, since they often happen informally with peers and are spontaneous. And they make a big impact, because students can often implement what they hear in their own lives.

Neighbors/Family Friends

Students often consider potential career paths and college majors during the last two years of high school. Friends of their parents who work in different fields can be a goldmine of information, ideas, and contacts. 

It's important to schedule time with these busy individuals and be punctual, coming with a list of questions. Professionals are often flattered to be approached by a young person and are more than happy to be helpful and share anecdotes about their work and backgrounds.


This might sound strange, but even relatives who are in college or the workforce have a wealth of experience that's worth tapping into. That uncle who's worked in IT for many years, or the cousin who's a chef, would probably be happy to describe their jobs and what they enjoy. And they likely still remember clearly what worked for them back in school, and what didn't. Hindsight provides useful lessons.

Networking is an important life skill that is productive and rewarding at any age. The more students network, the more comfortable they will become with asking questions and learning from others. The process of networking often uncovers new avenues and information, and may open doors that wouldn't have been available otherwise.

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Back to School Tips

Written by: Coach Nathaniel Jenkins

Summer is just ending and school is back in session. For some, there are feelings of joy that there is another opportunity to further their education, but for others there is a lack of motivation. Back to school anxiety is typical for all students, but the nerves can be heightened in students with executive functioning difficulties or ADHD. A student with ADHD in their daily life may feel like they’re struggling with school, whether it is a small homework assignment or a large project, more than their peers and that is NORMAL. Every new school year allows for a clean state for all students, but sometimes that isn’t enough. ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, may negatively impact a student’s life and outlook on a new school year. While it’s understandable to feel a sense of struggle, it doesn’t have to be that way. According to the Child Mind Institute, there are a few key points to understand when working with a student who feels like they are struggling or falling behind because of diagnosed, or even undiagnosed ADHD. 

1.       Make organization a priority

2.       Address how to handle situations if things don’t go according to plan

3.       Set up morale boosters

4.       Don’t surprise students with questions about school

5.       Allow space for trying, failure, and trying again

           Firstly, it is highly important to approach the struggle head on and create strategies for how to move forward with an approach that works for the student: instilling organizational skills in the student will promote a sense of achievement. Next, developing a support system for the student will go a long way in academics and life in general, but this is something the student must be willing to ask for and accept when offered; unfortunately, a lot of students are afraid to ask for help. Knowing how to help the student through these times with morale boosters, or ways of boosting the students’ outlook, will help the student stay on track and keep from becoming defeated. It is important to keep in mind as a parent, teacher, coach, etc. that school is meant to be challenging for students. The goal of receiving an education is so a student can form educated opinions, learn problem solving, and communication skills, but asking about the progress in all of these unexpectedly can be overwhelming for a student. Setting up a schedule for times to discuss questions and concerns with the student about school is very beneficial for both parties. By doing this, the student doesn’t feel like they are receiving criticism and it will allow for the student to start becoming independent and confident in their own abilities. Allowing the student to try one method, potentially not succeed, then try a new method will be far more valuable for handling obstacles in the way during life and academics.

 Students with ADHD have incredible opportunities for success. ADHD or not, there is more to life than school, but sometimes it may not feel that way for the student. School is very important and understanding how to coach the student to handle struggles and obstacles is priceless. Nerves before the start of the new school year are completely normal, but nerves and potential struggles don’t define the outcome, the amount of work and willingness to succeed are what define the student. As a coach, understanding the student is imperative to help them succeed in life and academics. The best tip for those who feel they struggle with school in general is to approach the new year with the mindset that they will succeed and do whatever it takes to do so.

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COVID 19 Guest User COVID 19 Guest User

Choosing the Right Type of Support During Distance Learning

Written By: Coach Nathaniel Jenkins

 What’s the difference between tutoring and coaching? Tutoring is predominantly focused on the aspects of knowing, or obtaining, information on a given topic whereas coaching is focused on the steps needed to accomplish a task, it is about DOING. The difference between the two important styles, tutoring and coaching, are arguably more important now than ever as we all face the trials of COVID-19 and alternative forms of schooling. Even before the changes that came with COVID-19, it was easy to accidentally categorize someone as being in need of a tutor when they actually need a coach and vice versa. It is important for students with executive functioning difficulties to be focused on the DOING that comes with the direction of a coach especially when facing the challenges of navigating COVID-19.

For students with executive functioning disparities the understanding of a subject or topic in school may come easy to them, but when it comes to applying this knowledge and understanding when it really counts, they are unable to successfully recount what they know. Why is that? The answer can be as simple as misunderstanding what they need in order to be successful. They are unable to apply their understanding of a topic because they don’t know how. It may not be the need to practice or study more on a topic like what a tutor would do, but rather to apply these understandings and knowledge through a stronger grasp on executive functioning skills that comes from coaching

In some cases, the student may not need help in their math, science, or english class, but rather help in their delivery of knowledge through executive functioning skills taught through coaching. The problems may not lie in the grasping of the subject matter itself, but rather the carrying out of tasks that ultimately negatively affect performance when it comes to being tested on the subject matter; a lack of executive functioning skills may be the culprit. Executive functioning skills revolve around the concepts of time management, organization, study skills as well as communication skills-- that is what coaches are set out to help the student accomplish.

For instance, a coach may help younger students in early grade school organize and associate concepts or subjects better through color-coding whether it be a folder, highlighter, etc. Middle school and high school age students may respond better to a planner or calendar to help plan their schedule in advance for projects, homework, etc. and also organize what needs to come first to be on time and successful. Coaching isn’t about just understanding a subject, it is about understanding people. It depends on the student and that is where the coaching really comes into play.

To simply put it, a coach’s purpose is to set the student up for success in life past academics. The skills taught and instilled in the student are meant to apply to all facets of life because the student will not be in school forever. Succeeding in an academic setting isn’t always about being the smartest, it is about being the most prepared for what is to come. Being prepared means understanding how to manage time, organize, practice effective study skills, and even developing a greater understanding of communication skills. By seeking out a coach rather than a tutor for students that face challenges with executive functioning skills, the student can be set up for success that carries positive outcomes even outside of a school setting.

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Executive Function Guest User Executive Function Guest User

How to Get Organized

Written By: Coach Nathaniel Jenkins

The ability to organize is an under-discussed skillset. Organization is a tedious stepping stone that requires constant maintenance in efforts to meet our next goal or deadline. As I am sure you know, organization is acutely important in day to day life whether we acknowledge it or not; this can be a frightening thought for many, especially for young minds with executive functioning hardships or ADHD. You may have heard something along the lines of “I would like to become more organized, but I don’t know where to start!” or “I know where my stuff is and that is all that matters!” As is true for most things in life, just because one way works for an individual does not mean that it will work for another. Organizational skills are not simply taught through a “one size fits all” approach because no one student is exactly alike. For some, the thought of being disorganized is unfathomable, but for others, it's just a part of life. An article called “How to Help Yourself Get Organized” by the Child Mind Institute provides insight on how young minds may work and think of organization.

      Young minds are malleable and have incredible amounts of potential to soak up a lot of information. It is imperative to promote day to day routines focused on staying organized to carry out tasks of all difficulty levels with more peace of mind. Organization is not tactical, it is strategic, but it may require various different tactics, or approaches, to get your student on track to becoming self-sufficient in their organizational abilities. According to the article “How to Help Yourself Get Organized,” the most important “universal tips” for success when learning organizational skills are to do the following:

·         Write it down.

·         Put the same thing in the same place every time.

·         Make easy-to-lose things bulky.

·         Breaking overwhelming tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.

·         Keep it simple.

            Let’s include these points into steps for instilling a sense of confidence to develop organizational skills in your student.

1.       If at first you don’t…. find an approach that is successful, test new approaches until you find one that works! Don’t stress it if several approaches don’t work as expected. Trial and error is a part of life. You will find what your student responds to in time. Positive reinforcement in general will go a long way in promoting life skills such as organization.

2.       Weaknesses, we all have them. Understanding weaknesses and tackling them head on is key in life in general, but especially in the life of a student lacking executive functioning skills. For these students, the sense of having a “weakness[es]” may be heightened and identifying weaknesses you may observe as the parent, teacher, etc. in your student may be different from what the student would classify as their weaknesses. Communicating to identify these shortcomings will significantly help in the long run.

3.       Methods for success. These methods may include specific items or words of affirmation or whatever it is your student positively responds to. Would a physical calendar full of handwritten notes of when homework, exams, etc. are due be a successful method for your student? Or would having the student write on a notepad or even an app for notes in their phone help? The key to successfully instilling a sense of organization in your student is to focus on what works for them.

4.       Don’t stress the planning aspect of becoming organized. The thought of attempting what to do to become organized can be daunting, but simple small steps will show the most success and will build over time into a fluid routine of maintaining organization in day to day life. The methods mentioned in step 3 may not be immediately useful so find what works piece by piece.

The key to all of this is understanding that your student is learning a new skill set altogether that does not have its own class subject at school. Your student who faces complications with executive functioning has a lot of potential to put their energy into becoming organized and maybe even one day enjoying the sense of accomplishment that organization brings. Finding what works for your student will not only help instill a valuable life skill, but will also help them to succeed in academics and whatever life may throw their way.

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Distance Learning Tips

Written by: Coach Coordinator Lindsey Holdaway

August has arrived!

The last of the summer months are usually filled with shopping for new wardrobes, and buying school supplies; however, August 2020 looks very different as students and parents alike prepare for more months filled with distance learning. If the last quarter of this past year was a nightmare for your family, it may be a good idea to try something new! We have put together some tips to ensure success and happiness for your child’s virtual learning experience. 

  1. Understand the distance learning plan. As a parent, it is good to know the schedule that is being followed each week for your student’s classes. It is also helpful to understand the online system your school is using for distance learning. If it is a platform you are unfamiliar with and don’t have access to right away, you may want to look for google information for it (youtube videos and instructional videos from the platform’s website).

  2. Provide your child with the necessary tools to be successful. Perhaps you have multiple children who will need to participate in distance learning at the same time.  Noise cancelling headphones may be just what they both need in order to work without distracting one another. 

  3. Establish a designated school space for your child. This is important to provide a change in their environment throughout the day. Since your child won’t be leaving the house, it is important that they don’t participate in their distance learning from the place that should be designated for sleep. An area in your home that is by a window and provides good natural lighting is ideal as it can aid with focus. 

  4. Ensure good nutrition and hydration. Maybe your child has stated that they would like to skip breakfast in order to sleep longer before logging into their classes. Having a nutritious meal before they begin their day as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help them remain focused.

  5. Keep tabs on your child’s mental status as well as their grades. Try to log in to the schools grading platform once a week to catch missed assignments before they begin to pile up. Also, asking your child the simple question of, “how did your day go?” can open up the lines of communication to allow them to express themselves and for you to understand any sort of attitudes they are expressing. 

Similar to the last quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year, there is no doubt that the beginning of this school year is going to be challenging. Please know that there are many businesses who want to help your child be successful both now as well as in the future, and Illuminos Academic Coaching & Tutoring is at the top of that list. 

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Building a Support System for Students

We know that it takes a village to raise a child, but I would argue that the same holds true for shepherding a student through K-12 education – and even beyond. The Heckscher Foundation estimates that there are over nine million youth in the United States without a caring adult in their lives, and while the foundation advocates mentoring specifically from the private sector, I assert that the most effective web of support for a student is three-part: parents, teachers, and a mentor.


Parents play the most crucial role in the development of a child – they are the most consistent and long-term relationship the student will have. A parent’s role in their child’s education is to provide the longstanding perspective. Parents can identify their child’s needs and communicate them with the other members of the support system. 

Children also need to feel that their parents are interested in the various aspects of their lives. This means carving out fun family time as well as monitoring the student’s academic performance. If the only message that a child hears from his parent is the berating message “Have you finished your homework?” This will risk creating an uneasy dynamic in the relationship or inducing anxiety that will show its effects in grades or emotional health. 

Nonetheless, parents are well-placed to play the role of the authoritative monitor to keep their children accountable. The limits they set for their children with screen time and curfews can also promote a responsible sense of scheduling, workflow management, and a healthy work-life balance. They also have the luxury of having their relationship with their children evolve over time. 


Although teachers change every year, at six or more hours per day, they are the person a student has the longest daily contact with. Teachers also have the most training out of the three parties and can astutely assess areas in a student’s life to strengthen as well as make recommendations on how to do so. However, while most teachers are competent and well-meaning, the reality is that they are often responsible for more than twenty pupils at any given time and cannot meet the individual needs that a student may have. 

On the other hand, students that show initiative and engagement with the subject matter are rarely turned away. Students having a particularly hard time in a class should set up an individual appointment with the teacher after school or during lunch to discuss the issue, whether it be with the curriculum itself or the modality of evaluation. This proactivity will likely gain extra empathy from the teacher and lead to creative problem solving or accommodations to address their concerns . Ultimately, the teacher is someone that the student has a vested interest in having on their side.


Mentors are the last piece of the puzzle of student success. These mentors could take many forms: tutors, volunteers from the private sector, or coaches. Whatever title that the mentor may have, their niche in the student’s life remains the same; they are neither a peer nor an authoritative figure. This means that the mentor can – and must – build an organic relationship with his mentee all the while providing advice informed by life experience. 

As an academic coach, I often tell my students, “Part of being a good friend is helping you think through the consequences of your actions.” This means that when a student doesn’t invest enough time in their time management, organization, studying, or behavioral problems, I help them draw the line between these causes and their stress, late nights, poor results, and/or punishments. However, a good mentor shouldn’t leave his student in a state of despair by only pointing out the negative but offer practical solutions on improvement for the future. And as with the parents, there must be more of a message being transmitted than, “Do this” and “Don’t do that.” This means taking the time to listen to the student about their day, friends, and interests.

Mentors also provide the student with the advantage of having a relationship tailored to their needs. 

The Network

Student success is facilitated when all the moving pieces of the machine are working in harmony and communicating with each other. Parents should be voicing their child’s needs; teachers should offer their observations and expertise; and mentors should relay relevant information that a student may not feel comfortable sharing with an authoritative figure. Practically, having periodical check-ins with the different parties in person or over email is a good habit to adopt.

The common belief a student needs to have in parents, teachers, and mentors is that they want him to succeed. On top of providing subject support and demanding excellence, a student’s support system must be just that – supportive. The adults must be the student’s biggest cheerleaders and believe in his potential.

Academic success transcends the boundaries of the classroom and the bubbles of a scantron – it requires building an entire environment that is monitoring and addressing a student’s academic and socio-emotional needs from tutoring to mental health. It may take a village, but all the village needs to be is attentive and supportive.

Written by: Coach Daniel Aste

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